What issues are appropriate for EMDR intensives with TCI?
We serve clients from numerous backgrounds. Some common issues for EMDR intensives include:
-Anxiety (phobias, performance/public speaking, generalized, etc.)
-Trauma (single incident, complex/chronic, attachment/developmental)
-Preverbal/body based (chronic pain, medical conditions, preverbal experiences)
-Performance enhancement (sports performance, school issues, goal setting)
-Grief and loss
As with any type of therapy, there are no guarantees when it comes to treatment outcomes. However, many clients make progress towards their goals in a variety of areas with EMDR intensives. Contact us to schedule a consultation call.
Can I bill my insurance for EMDR intensives with TCI?
We do not accept insurance for intensives as it limits what services we are able to offer. However, we are happy to provide you with a superbill upon request.
How do I continue my work after an EMDR intensive with TCI?
We provide you with two hour long sessions following an intensive to verbally process results of the intensive and plan for integration of the work into daily living. TCI also provides all intensive clients with a customized workbook that clients use following their intensive to continue their self-care work at home. The workbook is a great resource to assist with integration of intensive work back into the clients weekly individual therapy with their regular therapist.
Clients will receive additional speciliazed care plans from TCI including customized yoga sequences, sensory regulation toolkits, and nutrition psychoeducation. Each step of the intensive process is a curated service to meet your individual needs.
What is the cost of a TCI Holistic Intensive?
Intensives are premium therapy offerings, as they allow clients to skip the line and achieve goals in therapy with individualized, curated treatment plans. Prices are based on the types of services offered, intensive length, etc. Please contact us to schedule a consultation call.
What services are available during an intensive?
EMDR therapy is the primary focus of intensives - however, EMDR processing will not take place for more than 2 hours on any single day. Additional services include customized yoga practices, Reiki sessions, nutrition and mental health psychoeducation and goal setting, and other appropriate modalities. Bethany Matheson is equipped to provide all of the services mentioned above - to read her bio and learn more, click here.
Will one intensive resolve my problem?
We will not know how far we can get in your EMDR processing until we are actually processing - the nervous system knows how to heal itself, we simply facilitate. While we are always working to be clear on our goal setting and preparation for intensives, there is no guarantee in any form of therapy as to what will be worked on and how long it will take. Some issues resolve in one intensive, while others require several intensives before feeling complete. Traditional weekly therapy with EMDR often lasts between 6 months and several years, depending on what topics are being covered!